AI trainings and workshops for SMEs

Empowering companies for innovation and sustainable transformation

We are convinced that sustainable AI transformation can only be achieved by empowering employees. We support you with individual training programs.
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A photo of an office workshop
Our competencies

AI projects from strategy to implementation

We support the introduction of AI solutions from strategy to practice.

Our experts know the requirements of medium-sized companies and have the expertise and experience to design and conduct AI training courses and workshops.

Our training programs

Each training program consists of individually adaptable modules in order to be able to specifically address the requirements and needs of your teams.

Depending on the application, the training courses are enriched with expertise and illustrated using specific examples.
Online & Offline • 8 hours
Basic AI training
Basic AI training provides employees with basic competencies and skills in using generative AI and its use cases in everyday work. In addition, data protection-compliant use and safety-related aspects are discussed.
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AI competency analysis and tool check
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Introduction to generative AI and language models
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Online & Offline • 8 hours
Department-specific use case development
The program helps companies develop targeted AI solutions for specific specialist areas. It includes the analysis of relevant AI use cases and the development of tailor-made AI bots.
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AI competency analysis and tool check
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Department-specific deepening and identification of AI use cases
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Development of in-house AI bots
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Online & Offline • 8 hours
KI promoter program
The AI Promoter Program trains internal ambassadors who disseminate AI knowledge and conduct training. In this way, they promote the acceptance and use of AI in companies.
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Introduction to generative AI and language models
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Advanced prompt enineering
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AI promoter empowerment
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Online & Offline • 8 hours
EU AI Act - Qualification Program
The program trains internal ambassadors and trainers who disseminate AI knowledge within the company, conduct training and drive AI transformation forward.
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AI competency analysis and tool check
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Introduction to generative AI and language models
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Advanced prompt enineering
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Department-specific deep-dive and identification of AI use cases
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Certification and performance monitoring
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Online & offline • 6 days
AI innovation program
The AI innovation program develops rapid, creative solutions to company-specific challenges. It combines AI-supported innovation management and sprints to deliver marketable results and supports the development of in-house AI bots for process optimization.
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AI-supported innovation management
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AI sprint: Innovation in 5 days
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AI technology selection: sparring and advice
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Development of in-house AI bots
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our curriculum

Content modules for your individual training program

Each training program consists of different modules and is tailored to the level of knowledge of your teams.


AI basics

AI competency analysis & tool check
The aim of this preparatory module is to assess the current level of AI competence of your employees and to identify the AI tools already used in the company.

Through a well-founded assessment, you get a clear overview of existing skills and identify gaps that can be closed through targeted training.
Analysis of existing AI skills in the team
Overview of AI tools used and their application
Identification of knowledge gaps
Interactive assessment tool
Introduction to Generative AI & Large Language Models
This module provides an introduction to Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). It provides basic knowledge about how these technologies work, how they can be used and potential benefits for various areas of the company.
Basics of generative AI and LLMs
Core functionalities of generative AI (text-based and multimodal functionalities)
Basic prompting
Deployment scenarios and practical applications
Online & offline workshops


Practice & application

Subject-specific specialization & identification of AI use cases
This module focuses on deepening knowledge in specific subject areas and identifying relevant AI use cases. Participants learn how to use AI specifically in their work areas to increase efficiency and productivity.
Analysis of AI use cases in specific specialist areas (e.g. HR, sales, project management, IT, etc.)
Deployment scenarios and practical applications
Deployment scenarios and practical applications
Online & offline workshops
Advanced prompt enineering
This module teaches advanced prompting techniques and combines existing knowledge with more complex practice for users. The aim is to deepen skills in dealing with prompts and application in a professional context in order to deliver tailor-made and precise results, as well as to meet specific requirements in various areas of the company.
Deepening in advanced prompt techniques, e.g. chain-of-threading provmpting, few-shot prompting, etc.
Optimizing prompts for specific use cases
Practice-oriented exercises in small groups
Online & offline workshops
Interactive exercises
Development of in-house AI bots
This module provides the necessary skills to develop and implement in-house AI bots. Both strategic and technical aspects are taken into account in order to create tailor-made solutions that meet the specific requirements of the department and users.
Introduction to bot development with GPT Builder and Copilot Studio
Joint development of initial use cases and integration into existing systems (e.g. with PowerApps)
Empowering employees to develop additional AI bots independently (on a low/ no-code basis)
Online & offline workshops
Interactive exercises
AI sprint: Innovation in 5 days
The AI Sprint is an intensive 5-day program that aims to quickly and efficiently develop AI-based solutions for specific challenges.

Inspired by Google's Design Sprint, this module takes your team through a structured sequence of workshops in which ideas are generated, prototypes are developed and initial tests are carried out. The aim is to achieve tangible results in the shortest possible time, which can be directly translated into implementation.
Day 1: Problem definition and goal setting for the sprint
Day 2: Idea generation and solutions - brainstorming
Day 3: Prototyping using AI technologies
Day 4: Prototype testing with users or stakeholders & feedback
Day 5: Analysis of test results, reflection & next steps
Offline (intensive) or hybrid (parts of the sprint online, e.g. for distributed teams)


Worker Empowerment

AI-supported innovation management
In this module, participants learn how AI can be used to promote innovation in companies. Methods and tools are presented that help to support creative processes and develop new ideas efficiently.
Introduction to AI-supported innovation methods
Tools and techniques to promote creativity and ideation
Working together on a company-specific challenge
Online & offline workshops
AI promoter capability
The AI Promoter Empowerment module is designed to train employees to act as internal AI ambassadors. They receive comprehensive training and resources to disseminate AI knowledge within the company and promote the acceptance of new technologies.
Development of trainer skills for imparting AI knowledge
Development and adaptation of training materials
Test and certification of internal trainers
Strategies to promote acceptance and enthusiasm for AI in companies
Online & offline workshops
AI technology selection: sparring & advice
This module provides targeted sparring and advice on choosing the right AI technologies for your company. It is aimed at decision makers who want to make an informed choice as to which AI tools and platforms best suit their organization's specific needs and goals.
Overview of current AI technologies and platforms
Evaluation criteria for choosing AI solutions
Analysis of the company's specific requirements and goals
Online & offline workshops
Process & benefits
Process & benefits
Process & benefits
Process & benefits
Process & benefits

Identifying training needs

Discuss your challenges together and identify training program requirements


Selecting or designing your training

Definition of suitable training content, training scope and format as well as target group-specific adjustments


Implementation of the program

Training/workshop with your teams to teach AI skills, develop specific use cases or implement the first pilots


Implementation of the program

Training/workshop with your teams to teach AI skills, develop specific use cases or implement the first pilots


Certification & Follow-Up

Review of acquired knowledge and issuance of certificates as well as discussion of next steps on your AI journey


Your Benefits

Strengthen the future viability of your company by teaching AI skills and identifying and implementing specific AI projects.
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Individual training programs
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Target group-specific content
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Interactive exercises & application of what you have learned
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Remote & on-site trainings
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Individual training programs
A photo of an office meeting
30 mins

Interested in our AI trainings & workshops?

We can help you choose the right program or design training specifically tailored to your team's needs.
Arrange non-binding advice •
Noah Baader
AI Innovation Lead
Noah Baader from
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