AI for Sustainable Manufacturing

Accelerate the transition to a sustainable industry through AI innovation and increased efficiency. With AI solutions, you can, for example, reduce material consumption and waste and implement leaner, optimized processes.


• Business activities with a high environmental impact (e.g. energy consumption, waste generation, carbon emissions, etc.)

• Complex supply chains and production processes that lack transparency and efficiency

• Regulatory pressure and growing consumer demand for sustainable products.


• Optimizing production planning and supply chain logistics, reducing waste and energy consumption.

• Monitor and adjust manufacturing processes in real time for maximum efficiency and minimal environmental impact.

• Supporting the circular economy by improving product life cycle management through predictive maintenance, recycling optimization, and material innovation.

• Aligning strategic decision-making with sustainability goals, from raw material procurement to energy management and emissions reduction.

Business Impact

Lower environmental impact

AI-driven optimization result in lower energy consumption, less waste and lower carbon emissions.

Efficient operation

Intelligent automation and predictive maintenance increase production efficiency and reduce downtime.

Cost savings

By optimizing resource use and reducing waste, companies can achieve significant cost reductions in production and supply chain management.

Competitiveness in the market

Companies that use AI for sustainable production can meet regulatory requirements and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products, thus improving their brand image and market positioning.

Who is it for?

→ Manufacturers from all sectors 

From automotive to electronics and textiles, any manufacturing sector that wants to reduce its environmental impact can benefit from AI.

→ Sustainability Officers and Environmental Managers

Professionals who address sustainability in companies can use AI to achieve their environmental goals.

→ Supply chain manager

AI tools can optimize supply chain processes and thus make them more sustainable and efficient.

→ Policy makers and regulators

Governments and regulators can promote the introduction of AI in manufacturing to achieve environmental standards and sustainability goals.

Project highlights

AI for Sustainability Connect

zur KI Park Webseite
A mockup of the eigenmind application


to eigenmind webseite
A picture of a KI Park event

AI for Sustainability Connect

The AI Connect for Sustainability programme aims to solve business challenges in the field of sustainability. It presents new AI prototypes developed by AI start-ups. The programme promotes innovative solutions for sustainable business.
to KI Park webseite
A mockup of the Viessmann Tender matcher application

Viessmann Tender Service

zur Viessmann Webseite
A mockup of the Notify app

Netzsch Notify

Software that provides real-time information about machine problems and creates transparency in order to gain important insights from machine data.
to Netzsch webseite
30 mins

Free consultation with our experts

We help you to examine strengths and weaknesses in terms of data and AI requirements in the company with the aim of identifying relevant problems and identifying promising potential for AI.
Book a free consultation
Julian Speckmaier
Head of Business Strategy
Julian Speckmaier from
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