Knowledge & Communication

Support and accelerate internal and external communication in AI-controlled work steps, e.g. with customers in sales and customer service through chatbots and your own company-specific language models.
✕ Information is hidden in silos across various tools

✕ Repetitive work, e.g. for similar projects

✕ Ineffective or inefficient search for information

✕ Difficult onboarding and transfer of inventory knowledge
AI Solutions
✦ Semantic analysis on internal and external data sources/ data warehouse

✦ Investments in data quality and availability via in-house data sources and external data (e.g. web)

✦ Natural language/conversational interfaces for convenient access for end users

✦ Develop vertical applications to speed up workflows in key areas of business
Business Impact
↑ Spend less time searching for information

↑ Improved onboarding experience and more time to work productively for new hires

↑ Simplify the tool stack for users by integrating multiple data sources.

Who is it for?

→ If you have problems with documentation and internal knowledge management.
→ You have operational tasks, such as sales or customer care, that require quick access to on-demand information to drive key business processes.
→ You want to offer your employees a modern user experience and use the full potential of your company information.
Project highlights

AI for Sustainability Connect

Find out more about why Triebwerk developed the EigenMind platform to activate hidden knowledge in SMEs.
zur KI Park Webseite
A mockup of the eigenmind application


Find out more about why Triebwerk developed the EigenMind platform to activate hidden knowledge in SMEs.
A picture of a KI Park event

AI for Sustainability Connect

Das AI Connect for Sustainability-Programm zielt darauf ab, geschäftliche Herausforderungen im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit zu lösen. Es präsentiert neue KI-Prototypen, die von KI-Start-ups entwickelt wurden. Das Programm fördert innovative Lösungen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften.

Datenabgleich mit KI

Find out more about why Triebwerk developed the EigenMind platform to activate hidden knowledge in SMEs.
Read Mappr case study
A mockup of the Notify app

Netzsch Notify

Software that provides real-time information about machine problems and creates transparency in order to gain important insights from machine data.
Read Netzsch case study