Hörzeit • 44 Min
Podcast | Englisch

Managing Director & CTO at Wattx, Simon Müller | The Leadership Lab

Simon Müller, Technikexperte für Ingenieurwesen und Nachhaltigkeit, ist im DeepRec.ai-Podcast bei Anthony Kelly zu Gast, um über die Integration technischer Systeme und Geschäftsprozesse in der Industrie zu sprechen.
Managing Director & CTO at Wattx, Simon Müller | The Leadership Lab

Episode Summary​

CTO Simon Müller sits down with Anthony Kelly for our latest instalment of the DeepRec.ai podcast. As a technology enthusiast and entrepreneurial-minded leader, Simon brings extensive experience guiding engineering teams across diverse industries while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.

His unique background allows him to seamlessly bridge the gap between technical systems and business processes, specifically within the realms of industrial manufacturing, operations, and logistics.

In recent years, Simon's focus has shifted from hardware (industrial robots) to software systems and the digitalization of industrial processes, with an emphasis on creating sustainable solutions.

He enjoys architecting backend infrastructure for industrial IoT solutions, leveraging AI and Machine Learning methodologies to gain insights from IoT data, and driving sustainable innovations in the industry.

Episode Summary​

CTO Simon Müller sits down with Anthony Kelly for our latest instalment of the DeepRec.ai podcast. As a technology enthusiast and entrepreneurial-minded leader, Simon brings extensive experience guiding engineering teams across diverse industries while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.

His unique background allows him to seamlessly bridge the gap between technical systems and business processes, specifically within the realms of industrial manufacturing, operations, and logistics.

In recent years, Simon's focus has shifted from hardware (industrial robots) to software systems and the digitalization of industrial processes, with an emphasis on creating sustainable solutions.

He enjoys architecting backend infrastructure for industrial IoT solutions, leveraging AI and Machine Learning methodologies to gain insights from IoT data, and driving sustainable innovations in the industry.

KI-Trainings & Workshops für Mittelstand

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Noah Baader
AI Innovation Lead
Noah Baader from triebwerk.ai

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