
Brewery | Process optimization

Brewery process optimization

A solution to optimise steam boiler operation, increase efficiency and extend the burner's lifespan.


A solution was needed to identify abnormalities in the use of an industrial steam boiler in a brewery, optimize steam generation efficiency, and implement predictive maintenance to prevent failures.


We developed a system for evaluating steam boiler data, identified anomalies and inefficiencies, used predictive models to plan maintenance and simulated various scenarios to optimize burner operation and reduce fuel consumption.

Business impact

The solution optimizes steam boiler operation, enhances steam generation efficiency, and reduces downtime. It enables cost-effective maintenance, minimizing operating costs and extending the burner's lifespan.

“Thanks to predictive maintenance, we were able to make better use of our resources and significantly increase the reliability of steam generation. ”

Head of Technology

Brewery companies
30 mins

Free consultation with our experts

We help you to examine strengths and weaknesses in terms of data and AI requirements in the company with the aim of identifying relevant problems and identifying promising potential for AI.
Book a free consultation
Julian Speckmaier
Head of Business Strategy
Julian Speckmaier from
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