

Smart Office Solution

Snuk’s focus is integrating with the hospital’s infrastructure to enable patients to control their room environment.


Many of today's office buildings suffer from inefficient energy management caused by missing, outdated, or fragmented systems. This results in unnecessary energy consumption and increased operating costs.


In a test phase lasting several weeks, installed over 200 sensors that recorded data on heat, humidity, lighting and movement. This data was then analyzed by the data science team to identify recurring patterns and anomalies. Based on these findings, the engineering team developed a prototype (MVP) with a real-time dashboard and an AI algorithm to predict space usage.

Business impact

The introduction of the MVPs enabled a transparent presentation of the collected data and an effective prediction of the use of space. This solution immediately identified defective temperature controllers and prevented faulty heating and lighting periods in the medium term, which led to a significant improvement in energy efficiency. As a result, operating costs were reduced and the ecological footprint was reduced.

“With the help of, the implementation of AI and sensors made it possible to immediately optimize energy consumption and significantly reduce operating costs. ”

Boris Libeert

CEO @ Snuk
30 mins

Free consultation with our experts

We help you to examine strengths and weaknesses in terms of data and AI requirements in the company with the aim of identifying relevant problems and identifying promising potential for AI.
Book a free consultation
Julian Speckmaier
Head of Business Strategy
Julian Speckmaier from
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